Sensual + Tantric.

Sensual and Tantric modalities are only available within a coaching container to transmit the skills to you to become a better lover.

My journey into this world began with sensual massage. It quickly evolved into the more healing and spiritual aspects of it, as I have always been concerned with how to reach liberation from human suffering and achieve what we came here to achieve (soul evolution). This led me to training in Tantric massage (as well as the more esoteric technologies), followed by many client session hours practicing. And many wild adventures and personal changes.


Here is a little taster of what the sensual, Tantric flavor is like. Of course, the whole premise of Tantra is to have no goals, no expectations, and flush out the blocks around behaving in a certain way.

Tantra sessions can help release long-standing patterns that block you from experiencing bliss and joy in your life.

You will be guided in a meditation through your chakras, with a focus on the sensations that arise. Part meditation, part bodywork, tantra sessions are supremely relaxing and healing.

Using high quality oils, your Goddess will walk you through hands-on healing and meditation. This is unlike a regular massage session in that you will experience connection and direct guidance from your practitioner.

Tantra Sessions begin with an attunement with your goddess. With long, sensual, and flowing strokes, a guided process of meditation unfolds, leaving your energy cleansed, balanced, and flowing. Combined with the bodywork is the voice of the goddess as she walks you through a guided visualization process.

The chakras are whirling vortexes of energy that have correspondence with both the endocrine and nervous systems. Anatomically, they are bundles of nerves. In our Session, we work through the seven chakras using light, flowing motions, guided visualization and meditation, and breathwork (pranayama).

As we flow through the energy centers, information on habits, patterns, and knowledge of self may surface. The practitioner works with you to stay present throughout, thereby allowing your capacity for sensation to increase.

While reaching certain areas of your body you will be told what your chakras represent, how they can best be activated and if there is disharmony, how they can open, heal, and provide new information to guide you. For men, we will introduce you to breath controlling techniques and the power and benefit of control within tantra.

A relaxed and warm environment will allow a meditative state and you will learn how to relax your breathing and balance the energy with the guidance of the practitioner.


Sensual is focusing more on the sensations and the way I do it, it is quite like somatic experiencing. We don’t shy from the intimate areas though surprisingly, the blocks in the intimate areas could be connected to experiences we consider unrelated.

Locked in our cells is all trauma and wisdom that we carry. Can we tickle them out? Entice the dissolution of stuckness? Expose ourselves and release the shame? Have you looked? What’s in there?

Sensuality isn’t all pleasure. It is all sensations. Temperature, texture, color, light, sound, it’s the speaking of the reptile brain, the receptive feminine, the dark, the unconscious.

We use elements of Sensualism.

Sensual massage is very exploratory and usually trance-like if you 1) let go and 2) have no expectations.

“How I flew through the soft element; how I joyed in the country where there is no harshness; in the element which upholds and gives way; which caresses and let’s go; and will not let you fall.”

-The Story of Tuan Mac Cairill, James Stephens