Welcome to my ecosystem.

Tantrika. Priestess. Sex Coach. Muse. Comedian. Kinky Domme. Sensualist. Nature lover. Holistic health researcher. Writer of erotica.

Let’s make some magic together.

When people ask the question, what is your favorite activity? One of my answers is intimacy. I love getting to know someone on multiple levels. Sensual experiences are another. And nature, always nature. Being in it, smelling it, creating with natural materials. My whole path has been in training for the ushering in of the new earth.

I have worked with thousands of clients practicing Tantric and sensual bodywork, have written and produced 100+ articles and videos on several topics of interest including spirituality, Tantra, natural body care, and permaculture. I have had articles published on My Tiny Secrets, Plant Healer Magazine, Wild Sister, and Bad Witch. I hold both Bachelor and Master degrees in science.

Some of my teachers and training include:

  • White Tigress intensives – private trainings

  • the late Sri Param Eswaran of Tantric Inner Sakthi Yoga – private training

  • Harmony Tantra – private training

  • the late Psalm Isadora

  • the Orgasmic Meditation movement

  • Usui Reiki Ryoho certified

  • Herbal medicine certification with Rosemary Gladstar and the late Linda Christen

  • Sexological Bodywork training through the ErosSpirit Institute

  • in addition to thousands of hours of direct client work

More importantly, I underwent a gnosis starting in 2013 which unleashed old, ancient knowledge and lineages that my soul has been riding for lifetimes. The sensual massage techniques were downloaded naturally, as well as knowledge on how to use healing energy in my body and the principles of how kundalini works. I refined this natural embodied energy through trainings and am an avid learner and researcher. My daily life includes sadhana (spiritual practice) ranging from mantra, devotion, visualization, and more.

Passions and Interests:

  • Holistic health and functional medicine

  • Animal husbandry and care

  • Writing…poetry, stories, books, lists, lists of lists, articles, journals, diaries

  • Really in depth body care using natural materials like clays, oils, essential oils, herbs, and minerals

  • Natural perfumery

Holy means whole. Shadowy and light. It’s not all peaches and cream, sweetheart. Or is it?

I am also naughty, irreverent, and like the taboo. Laughter and play is super fun for me. You’ll see that I joke around alot, finding humor to be a menstruum of dissolution…I love teasing and gently but firmly pushing boundaries. Interrogation and getting to the bottom of things is a specialty. I can also be the Queen of detachment knowing you can never truly have me.