You want to tap into the part of yourself that is primal, real, and raw. The tuned in masculine whose sexual prowess is a given. Natural, untamed, and skilled. Go from underfucked to on fire in The Cauldron: intensive coaching program.

Women are complex and their sexuality reflects that…we can orgasm in 5 different ways but also can be turned off by a simple facial expression. How can you learn how to tap your own manliness so that a woman feels safe becoming multi-orgasmic and ready for more?

Being a sex god is normal but you’ve been taught that it is something only for the select few, or with certain anatomy, or only for the young. But when you learn how to tune into the energies of your partner and yourself, it is as natural as breathing.

Imagine flirting with your lover all day long followed by hours of wet, juicy, and life-changing sex.

Feeling highly aroused and impacted by your sensual life rather than inept and dry.

Sensing your partner’s body and what she needs, as well as what your deep desires are and how to communicate them.

Make this your baseline state rather than a fantasy..

Do any of these sound like you?

  • Being clueless when it comes to women and pleasure

  • Addiction to women/people, porn, digital images, and unable to truly connect in real life

  • Being sensually numb, disconnected, and ashamed

  • Being blocked from manifesting your desires

  • Feeling blocked from expressing sexual needs and desires and how to use your voice

  • Specific body changes you’d like to make naturally, for beauty or optimal function

Let’s unravel what is holding you back from your most sensual, juicy, and alive life.

Start to get results like these:

Sacred Sensuality Coaching

  • Trifecta of Talk, Touch, and Teach

    Rather than spending all of our time talking about the issues and solutions, we will be diving in and learning by doing. Part surrogate work, part Tantric companion, and part discussion based coaching. Each coaching package is customized based on your needs.

    You will be hard pressed to find a similar offering in the coaching world, as most sex coaching is only talk.

  • Overcome sexual issues and dysfunctions including PE, ED, and lack of confidence

    I’ve worked with hundreds of men over the years who felt they were getting old, losing their ability to perform, or who had been stuck in that place for years. When we start working together, the magic begins. You will explore and gain control in ways that will blow your mind.

The Program

Imagine in one year’s time you:

  • Can assess what your partner is desiring and how to give it to her

  • Know how to pleasure your lover in ways that will blow her mind and have her opening up to you more and more

  • Experience deeper intimacy and feeling seen

  • Become an adept at yoni massage and 10 ways to touch a vulva

  • Get and maintain strong erections for as long as you’d like, no matter what your age

There are 3 phases in the coaching process.

Phase 1 involves going within and uncovering blocks to being the confident cocksman that is your birthright.

Phase 2 is where you learn the Tantric and ancient sensual skills and abilities such as sensing, touching, the where, the how, and when.

Phase 3 is the practice phase so that you build confidence and know-how.

This is a high touch, personalized, and discreet offering for men who are ready to change how they’ve been loving. I work with a limited number of clients per year. Packages are customized and both virtual and in-person options are available.

You walk away from each session with increased abilities, tools to practice, and newfound confidence.

Who I Work With:

  • Those who are open to digging deep and uncovering where the blocks are

  • Men who want to shift from lukewarm to fully embodied.

  • Those who seek to transform their approach to intimacy, relationship, and connection to be more in line with their actual truth and not what has been conditioned.

  • Men who are willing to be vulnerable and release shame around sensuality.

  • People ready to commit to the process and the work, who don’t expect magic without practicing and doing the exercises, and are a good communicators.

  • Inexperienced, shy and intimidated men are welcome

Your Investment

  • 3 Month Container

    In Person (includes some virtual with live intensives)

    $12,000 Pay in Full

    OR $4,800/month for 3 months


    Virtual Only


  • 6 Month Container

    In Person (includes some virtual with live intensives)

    $20,000 Pay in Full

    OR $4,000/month for 6 months


    Virtual Only



Why would I choose a coaching package over another service that you offer?

Coaching is for when you want to dive deep into an area where you feel stuck or blocked and transform it. If you’re having issues with your sensual or sexual wellness, coaching is the option.

Other in person sessions with me are BDSM and not about teaching or coaching or practicing at all. Please do not try to subvert my offers by asking for a BDSM session when you really want to work out how to give a sensual massage. It’s offensive and I see you.

Do you charge by the hour?

Coaching is done within a container ranging from 3 to 6 months. None of the coaching service is by the hour, it’s based on creating a cauldron of transformation. This includes not only in-person session time but in-between texting and outreach as well as coaching materials and discounts on upcoming offers.

Think of it as a sealed vessel where the pressure builds up so that “cooking” happens. In this case we are cooking your raw, wily sensual energy into more refined, potent sensual energy. Without a sealed vessel (aka coaching container), the energy leaks and the cake falls flat.

If you are interested in an hourly consultation with me, check out my virtual sessions. Those are more free-flowing and we can discuss pretty much anything.

I’m not sure if this is for me. Can we talk first?

After you fill out the application below, we will set up a complementary call to see if we are a good fit for each other.

What will we actually do during sessions?

We go through my 5 module method as the overall framework with much room for customization and high touch experience. This is developed based on your unique situation, interests, and needs. Some examples of possible activities include yogic, sensual bodywork practices, shadow work, dream work, communication games, reverse role practices, and somatic experiencing. We can also do mock dates out in the world if that is required.

Where are sessions held?

We meet in Pittsburgh, PA or you can fly me to you.

How do you handle payments?

Payment is preferably made upfront and in full via invoice, cash, check, or cryptocurrency.

A payment plan arrangement is possible and is set on an autopay invoice until paid in full.